Patient Safety – One of our Major Concerns

To improve patient safety, the IPSG criteria (International Patient Safety Goals) were implemented in the clinics according to the “Joint Commission”. Joint Commission is the world-wide most established quality assurance system designed to ensure high standards of patient care.
This is intended, among other things, to ensure that patients are always correctly identified, receive the right medication, to increase safety during operations, improve hygiene and minimize the risk of injury.
Most incidents in the hospital can be avoided by increasing awareness in one's own field of activity. Therefore, employees of the PremiQaMed clinics are trained in ongoing education programs.
Each hospital also has a trained risk manager whose job is to define and prevent errors or risks in patient care in a timely and systematic manner.
In the hospitals of the PremiQaMed Group, great importance is also placed on recording and processing risks, (near) errors or critical events as comprehensively and transparently as possible. This made it possible to establish a good error culture, and a good error culture increases safety for patients and employees alike.
An electronic error reporting system is available to all hospital employees where they can report risks or errors anonymously or by name.
Finally, all employees are informed about the errors and measures being processed so that everyone can learn from these cases and adequately assess future risks.
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