The aim of personalized therapy is to achieve better therapeutic success with fewer side effects through medicine and therapy tailored to people, as the dosage is precise and individual, and to plan and carry out operations so individually that they offer the patient the best long-term success.
Cervical carcinoma is mainly caused by infection with the human papilloma virus (HPV). There are different strains of this virus, and today we have a vaccine that is absolutely effective against those strains that most commonly cause cervical cancer.
The development of cancer cannot always be prevented by a healthy lifestyle. But some cancers can be detected early and treated well in the early stages. Regular check-ups are therefore essential.
Cancer affects the lives of more and more people. Thanks to the latest advances in medical science, today most cases can be successfully cured if the disease is diagnosed at an early stage. According to WHO statistics, more than 40% of cancer cases can be prevented.
Vienna has earned an international reputation in cancer research and ranks among top countries worldwide. At the Medical University of Vienna, research is carried out at a very high, internationally recognized level, with the aim of quickly making research results available for the continuous development of new treatment concepts.
The treatment of lung cancer has changed dramatically. Due to availability of completely new and constantly developing forms of conservative treatment, patients with advanced diseases, who until a few years ago had to be considered hopeless, have realistic chances of cure.
A cancer diagnosis often causes shock in patients. But also doubts - is it really cancer? Is surgery urgently needed? Does it have to be chemotherapy or is there an alternative? In order for the patient to be able to make an informed decision about his treatment, it is advisable to obtain a second opinion from a team of experts.
The latest diagnostic advances also allow to detect precancerous conditions or cancer at a very early stage and to start treatment immediately. Many oncological diseases do not show symptoms for a long time. A person may lead a normal life without any complaints or any cancer symptoms. At this stage, almost any disease can be treated successfully, therefore, it is vital to undergo regular examinations and identify indications of potential diseases.
Austria is one of the leading countries in the world in cancer research. This is primarily due to internationally renowned research projects carried out by the Medical University of Vienna. Experts confirm that even patients with major tumors, which cannot be treated with standard therapies, can benefit from new molecular biologic treatment approaches.
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